People in other words? They are lame, sickly, weak or ridiculous? We need to learn more and more about superiority. Also about changing personality and inferiority

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Michael J. Fox , Death And Resurrection

Is it true Michael J. Fox is dead and coming back to life? He is not happy with his life if it were not just the way it is? But as he remembered there's something at home he was eager to bring "there" he needed to come back for resurrection? One more question: Does he live nearby a public cemetery together with wife and father in-law? He raises his eyebrow, in other words, this joke is not funny.

If only he could turn back the time he would not have taken the commuter train from Beijing to Shanghai, sitting on the top of it as a sort of train system is not available there. It's not Jakarta-Bogor railways. The Internet is rich with gossip and also spoofs and hoaxes. Maybe you believe Michael J. Fox is suffering Parkinson's disease, a few years ago many believed he was dead and now should anyone believe the resurrection? Celebrities should not be put in laboratory, in other words, they are not parts of writers' "thermometer probe."

And ask him about happiness. He won't say, "I'm not an actor, I'm not a star and I don't even have my own car." Whoops, this lyric belongs to Michael learns to rock! I'm not sure if learning to tickle other's fancy is part of happiness to him. But, one thing for sure, to Michael J. Fox  gossip of his death and resurrection, even though it's written in amusing style, won't make him think he will need to hire a blogger to write about how be well-preserved.

In other words, not only him, everyone will raise an eyebrow!

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