People in other words? They are lame, sickly, weak or ridiculous? We need to learn more and more about superiority. Also about changing personality and inferiority

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Indonesian Corruption--In Other Words: Be blessed?

Indonesia in other words is a corruptors' country  Maybe this is not the peak when the chief justice of Indonesia’s Constitutional Court was arrested a couple of months ago in a nighttime raid on his official residence by anticorruption investigators, who accused the justice of taking a bribe to issue a favorable verdict in an election dispute. There might be higher positions stand in line.

Do they Indonesians "bless" corruption? Is this man never satisfied with big salary? The justice, Akil Mochtar, 62, was appointed to the Constitutional Court in 2008 and became chief justice in April. He was arrested around 10 p.m. on Wednesday at his home in a government-owned housing complex in South Jakarta. More people related to it just took it easy, in other words, they still could sing a song even though the case's worrying.

What's wrong? Is corruption an important development challenge that poses economic and social costs in Indonesia? Is it in other words, not just a matter of whether you have little money or big money with your position now? As long as there's a chance just grab it!

About one-quarter of ministries suffer from budgetary diversions in Indonesia. Households spent approximately 1% while enterprises spent at least 5% of monthly company revenue on unofficial payments. Social costs due to corruption in Indonesia include the weakening of government institutions and the rule of law. Increases in crime due to smuggling and extortion involve the institutions that are supposed to be protecting citizens. (Wikipedia)

The people who suffer most are the poor as they are pressured to finance payments through their already tight budgets and the effectiveness of social services are less accessible indirectly. However the "rats' keep having fun "consuming" Indonesia, in other words, corruption is very difficult to rid of. 

The following video is not about how to let Indonesian people be pessimistic over their problem. Hopefully there's an idea they can get from there to resolve this complicated problem, rather than cursing Say No To Corruption campaign.

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